Tuesday 17 July 2012


This is a recent pop video by Taylor Swift. It is about her dumping a ex boyfriend. This is subverting the stereotype of a girly pop video, as they are usually about pining for a hot guy whereas she is glad she is rid of him. In the video she is dressed as a teenage girl wearing floral dresses and pyjamas and glasses in her pink bedroom. This helps to portray the character she is playing. Usually artists write about real life experiences, therefore it will make it easier for Taylor Swift to act the part if this has happened to her. In the video they also have good editing techniques to show the split lives of the boy and the girl using a split screen whilst they are on the phone. The girl is at home on her own whilst the boy is out at a club surrounded by girls.


This pop song is recently successful due to its catchy tune and young pop singer Carly Rae Jepson. The video is all about representing her, as the 'girl next door' having a crush on the boy next door. The girl is dressed in fashionable clothes that any ordinary teenager would wear. This shows that she is connecting with her audience through appearance.  She also uses actions like spying on him from her bedroom window to represent a stereotypical girls crush.
The mise en scene is set between the girl and boys house. At the end of the video it converts the stereotypes by instead of having the girl and boy fall in love and live happily ever after, the boy gives one of her band members his number and says call me. Therefore showing he is gay, and the girl feels stupid and that she has wasted her time.
Pop singers videos are usually about boys for the audience as it is aimed at teenage girls. Therefore not wanting to just see another teenage girl dancing around after a boy.
The girl shows flirtatious body language toward the boy trying to act 'sexy' by cleaning her car to attract his attention, she then falls off the car causing the opposite effect than she wanted as the boy laughs at her.

Wednesday 4 July 2012

Short film tips.

I made this spider diagram using bubbl.us i have outlined important tips for a successful music video or short film clip. I will try my best to apply these things to my own video to ensure it is the best i can produce.