Wednesday 5 December 2012

Comparing my video to a real music video

The video above is by Rhianna- Only girl in the world, i took a lot of inspiration from this video as you can see by the second screen shot using a similar scene. However i used two girls as a symbol of friendship and Rhianna's video is about being a sex symbol. The lighting used in her video is very heated, calming to show sexual references, whereas mine has a much harsher light as they are innocent friends. I also chose to shoot it at a different angle and have the girls running away from the camera rather than walking across the screen, but in both the cameras are still and the people are moving through the shot. It is not very visible in these shots but also Rhianna's outfit is much more seductive and provocative, whereas the costume my characters are in are just pretty floaty summer dresses, with wellies on, to me this connotes a care free vibe to the audience within the girls and that they feel comfortable with each other.

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