Tuesday 12 February 2013

Album cover

I have been gathering inspiration from indie rock album covers that don't have the artist in the music video like mine. Therefore i decided to put the 'artist' on my poster and album cover, i didn't put the artist in the video because i was challenging the conventions of normal music videos, you will ordinarily see artists in their videos to promote themselves as musicians. An example of not doing this is David Guetta. David is on the cover on his albums therefore i wanted to use the artist on mine. Guetta's covers remind me of pop art as they are very edited, this made me want to use Andy Warhols famous technique of pop art.Another Very famous indie rock band, however dated, that use pop art in their album art work are The Beatles, this influenced me as they are very successful so i wanted my work to follow their theme.

Below is the Album i have come up with for my work due to this research. 

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