Tuesday 12 June 2012

Rihanna- Promo video

I have chosen to include this in my blog, as i am currently doing to market research on how to present my video. I have chosen someone well known like Rihanna who sings pop/R&B music which is the genre of music i am thinking about using for my video. The director of this video chose Rihanna to be in this promo video, because they are promoting her music video.
She is dressed in provocative clothing to attract a male audience as well as female. She is also wearing white, this contrasts with her skin colour and hair, this makes her stand out more due to her striking look. The video is conforming to a stereotypical woman's music video, as she is not wearing a lot of clothes and is posing in a field, also singing sexual provocative lyrics to match her actions. Rihanna is now perceived as a sex symbol, therefore, the audience knows what they are going to be watching before the video starts because music today, is equally about the image as well as the music because the media and audiences are very judgemental on women in the public eye, more so than men. Age is very important in this video as if she was younger, it would be strange that Rihanna is a sex symbol as older people would feel it is unacceptable to encourage her music. Due to her being a very successful music icon, she is also encouraging younger girls to act, dress like her because children idolise her, therefore i would say her target audience is older teens and 30's and under. As in my opinion, her videos are too sex orientated for younger teens.

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