Wednesday 14 November 2012

Reflecting on my work

I have made some more of my music video and come to the conclusion that i need more of a narrative. Therefore i have come up with the idea of, using pictures of when the girls were little together for the beginning. I will blow the pictures up and they can hold them over there faces. They can then reveal themselves as 'young adults' and the video will carry on to be what i have already done. At the end im going to have them fall down onto a sofa, or be watching the sunset as the day ends and the girls are still friends.

Audience feedback

I have now made about a minute of my music video, i showed my peers for some feedback. They liked the framing and colour of the shots and also the way he sun reflected off the sea. They also liked the effects i added using imovie on some of the shots, to make it slightly more interesting. However they did decided that one of my shots is held for too long therefore i need to make a cut in the middle of it. I have also decided that it needs a narrative and my audience agreed.

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